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Blue or Purple Gas attachment electrode nozzle for Darsonval apparatus Tongue Tube or Spoon
- Product Code: 1448 LW-018 spoon
- Availability: In Stock
- 8.00€
- Ex Tax: 8.00€
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Blue or Purple Gas attachment electrode nozzle for Darsonval apparatus Tongue Tube or Spoon
- ∅ 11,25 mm
- Please choose red or purple inner gas color
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Darsonval is the best device for the treatment of more than 70 diseases. Darsonvalization is a method of influencing the human body with the help of high voltage electrical impulses, from 2 to 24 kilovolts, which cause electrical discharges on the surface of the skin. These discharges, penetrating deep into tissues, contribute to the activation of various biochemical processes, improve blood circulation and metabolism. In addition, they act on the nerve endings, stimulating the work of the nervous system.
The darsonvalization procedure was first used at the end of the 19th century by the French physiologist Jacques d'Arsonval, after whom it got its name. Due to its effectiveness, it quickly gained wide popularity.
The effectiveness of darsonvalization
High-frequency electrical discharges improve blood microcirculation, as a result of which the supply of oxygen and nutrients to tissues is much more efficient. In addition, metabolic processes are activated, and the functioning of the lymphatic system improves. Normalization of metabolism helps to get rid of cellulite, and also allows you to penetrate deeper into the skin and better absorbed by various cosmetic and medicinal products, significantly increasing the effect of their use.
Electrical impulses reduce the sensitivity of pain receptors, so darsonvalization is an excellent pain reliever. It helps to cope with itching and other unpleasant sensations.
Low-power pulses help to increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, and improve the functioning of the sweat glands. Spark discharges are accompanied by the formation of ozone, which has an antibacterial effect, providing rapid healing of wounds and pustules, while increasing the protective properties of the skin.
In what cases is darsonvalization used?
Darsonvali is effectively used to treat a large number of different ailments, including:
Dermatological diseases eczema, juvenile acne, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, lichen, focal and systemic scleroderma, keloids, hair loss, dandruff and others.
Chronic diseases of the nasopharynx sinusitis, rhinitis, allergic rhinitis.
Chronic and acute respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, etc.
Diseases of the joints, muscles and tendons arthrosis, myositis, aponeurosis, arthritis and polyarthritis.
Diseases of arteries and veins thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.
Inflammatory and purulent processes, trophic ulcers, deep wounds. Darsonvalization is excellent for recovering from burns, frostbite, severe bruises and surgical operations.
Neurological diseases such as neuritis and neuralgia, as well as vegetovascular dystonia.
Diseases of the oral cavity stomatitis, periodontal disease, bleeding gums.
In addition, darsonvalis have a pronounced cosmetic effect. They help to cleanse the skin, smooth wrinkles and give it a healthy color, making it more elastic and elastic. At the same time, a quite tangible effect occurs after 3-4 sessions.
The instruction manual for the device is here
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Tags: blue, purple, gas, attachment, electrode, nozzle, darsonval, apparatus, tongue, tube, spoon, zilais, violēts, uzgalis, darsonvals, fizioterapeitiskajam, aparātam, karotveida vai, mēlīte, электрод, наконечник, физиотерапевтического, аппарата, дарсонваль, ложковидный, язычковый