How to charge the Meyra Ichair electric wheelchair where the charging socket is
How to charge the Meyra Ichair electric wheelchair
Modern technology makes life much easier, and progress allows us in the 21st century to use wheelchairs equipped with a battery and an electric drive. This saves energy, and the environment becomes much more accessible.
However, owners of MEYRA Ichair electric wheelchairs often face a problem - how to charge the battery and where to connect the charger, since there are no corresponding markers in the instructions or on the wheelchair itself.
The socket for the charger of the MEYRA Ichair is located on the right armrest, under the control panel. You need to connect the charger to a 220V power supply and correctly insert the plug into the socket of the electric wheelchair.
Proper Battery Handling and Charging Tips:
- Do not leave the battery discharged.
- Keeping the wheelchair two-thirds full will help maintain battery performance.
- Do not interrupt the dental chair charging cycle.
- When the stroller is idle for a long time, charge it at least once a month.
- Use only the original charger.