Domol takes care of easy and safe descaling. Removes even stubborn lime deposits. The regular elimination of lime deposits protects the devices from damage and also increases their efficiency.
Instructions for use
1. Pour 0.5 liters of cold water into a glass mug.
2. Add the contents of one sachet to the water and stir until completely dissolved.
3. Pour the solution into the reservoir of the device.
4. Switch on the device and allow to evaporate half of the solution content, then switch off the device.
5. After 10 minutes. turn the appliance back on and evaporate the remaining liquid.
6. Then repeat at least 2 evaporation cycles with clean cold water and rinse the glass mug well.
Weight: 15 gr
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Tags: domol, calc, remover, atkaļķotājs, средство, удаления, известковых, отложений